
The above logo was chosen by the majority of votes cast as the preferred logo for our t-shirt.  Click on it to enlarge.

To have an idea of how many total t-shirts our club should order, please indicate how many t-shirts you might want.  We anticipate (confirmed) the first t-shirt for each club member will be FREE due to sponsorship and additional t-shirts are estimated to be $5.00 each.

Enter the quantity by each size that you may want.  We are trying to determine total quantity of all sizes.  After the deadline for responses (July 1), we will be placing the order with the printer.

We hope t-shirts will be ready and available at our club meeting on August 24 for you to pick-up and pay.  Any t-shirts not picked up (or arranged to be picked up) will be made available to others at future meetings, Brightleaf Hoedown, and 2018 beekeeping class.

If you haven’t submitted your response, please respond below.

If you have submitted your response and want to make changes, please resubmit and I will replace your previous answer.

Please respond prior to our June 22nd meeting (deadline extended to July 1) .  Thank you!

Youth sizes
Adult sizes