
If you have honey bees swarming on your property, please don’t harm them! Simply call a local beekeeper who will come out and relocate them to a new area where they can continue their important pollination efforts safely.

The following is a list of beekeepers in the Caswell County area who will remove honey bee swarms. Some may also remove honey bees from inside structures such as a home, shed, or boat.

Please let the beekeeper know where the swarm is located, how long the bees have been there and the approximate size of the bee swarm. Also, please do not spray the bees or call an exterminator as beekeepers will not want to remove any honey bees that have been chemically sprayed.

Thank you for saving the honey bees!

NameAreas coveredPhoneServices
Phil BarfieldPurely, Yanceyville, Blanchcell: (336) 694-3691 OR (336) 459-3276Swarm removal
Danny LashusProvidence, Pelham, Danvillecell: 434-770-8102Swarm-removal,trap-outs
Robert A. NealAll areascell: 336-514-0835Swarm removal, trap-outs, structural removal (cutouts)
Scott OakleyAnderson and Southern Caswellcell: 336-214-3361Swarm removal, structural removals (cutouts), trap-outs
Sandy Pruittnorth of Yanceyvillecell: 434-250-0996Swarm removal
Steve RiversRockingham Countycell: 336-613-9891Swarm removal
Mike RossAlamance County and Southern Caswell Countycell: 336-214-4219Swarm removal, structural removals (cutouts), trap-outs