Full binder file:
Breakout of each session:
1 Introduction to Beekeeping
2 Equipment
3 About the honey bee
4 The colony
5 Starting a Honey Bee Colony
6 Bees’ enemies, pests, and diseases
7 Food and water for your bees
8 Products of the hive
9 Managing your bees
10 Field Day
2018 Field Day Schedule – Mar 31
Other files:
Revisions to be made each year:
- Revise dates on cover, introduction, housekeeping announcements
- Revise course schedule – dates, instructors, topics covered
- Update CCBA, NCSBA, Apiary inspector, Brushy, Dadant info and bee purchase list
- Review each section and add/remove, update information as necessary
Copying recommendations:
- Portrait orientation
- 8.5 in x 11 in paper
- 24# Hammermill Laser Bond paper
- Double sided (flip on long side)
- Black and white copies
- Assemble into a single file to be downloaded on copier’s website
- Insert blank pages for proper page breaks between sections
- Beginning pages in all sections of the binder should have odd page numbers so that they are the first page you see when turning the tab.
- Ensure all pages are turned the right way in the file (portrait)
- Select option for 3-hole paper punched
- Allow at least 2 weeks for printing and delivery (expect delays due to weather)